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Conditions / Diagnoses

At PRIDE, we treat all chronic pain conditions that create limitations to daily functioning.

  • Any chronic pain condition resulting from a body injury (such as sprains, strains, contusions, fractures, dislocations etc.)
  • Chronic spinal pain related to disc, facet, nerve or postsurgical problems.
  • Any postoperative chronic pain from the arm or leg region.
  • Any nerve compression problem, with or without surgery (such as carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, brachial plexus injury, any radiculopathy, any peripheral nerve injury etc.)
  • Any chronic pain resulting from sudden appearance of spine, arm or leg pain (such as tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis etc.)
  • Any systemic arthritis resulting from a rheumatologic condition (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis etc.)
  • Any chronic pain resulting from sympathetic nerve pain (like CRPS or RSD)
  • Any chronic pain resulting from Central Sensitization (such as fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine headaches with neck pain etc.)

In addition, we offer psychological assessment, counseling, and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) for chronic pain and injury-related stress and mental health problems, including:

  • Opioid Use Disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Stress-related somatic symptoms
  • Post-concussive and mild traumatic brain injury residual symptoms

Questionnaires Developed at PRIDE


Self-report questionnaires are often used for initial patient assessment and for measuring treatment effects and responsiveness. Three unique clinical questionnaires, the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI), the Fear-Avoidance Components Scale (FACS), and the Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ) have been developed and validated at PRIDE. All patients who enter the PRIDE functional restoration program complete a comprehensive self-report test battery, including these three measures, at admission, and all those who finish the program complete an identical battery at discharge.

Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI)

Central Sensitization (CS) is a neurophysiological phenomenon in which central nervous system neurons become hyper-excitable, resulting in abnormal and intense enhancement of pain. Central Sensitivity Syndrome (CSS) is a newly proposed category for a group of inter-related disorders for which CS is a common etiology, including the following:


  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Migraine/Tension Type Headaches
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

The Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) was developed to assess the overlapping health-related symptom dimensions of CS/CSSs. Part A has 25 items scored from 0 to 4. Total scores range from 0-100. Part B (which is not scored) asks if one has previously been diagnosed with one or more specific disorders, including seven separate CSSs and three CSS-related disorders. The CSI has now been translated, and psychometrically validated, in a number of different languages.

The CSI was initially introduced in 2012. In its initial psychometric evaluation, the CSI was found to have a high degree of test-retest reliability and internal consistency (Pearson’s r = .82; Cronbach’s alpha= .88). Subsequent validation studies revealed that CSI scores were highly correlated with the presence of one or more CSSs in patients referred to a psychiatric chronic pain management clinic. Additional analyses determined that a cut-off score of 40 out of 100 on the CSI produced good sensitivity (81%) in correctly identifying a group of CSS patients, and acceptable specificity (75%) in correctly identifying a group of non-patient comparison subjects. More recently, severity levels have been proposed, in order to provide more useful information to clinicians and researchers in assessing a patient’s CS/CSS-related symptoms and documenting meaningful clinical changes in response to treatment. The following severity ranges have been recommended: Subclinical = 0 to 29; Mild = 30 to 39; Moderate = 40 to 49; Severe = 50 to 59; and Extreme = 60 to 100.


Supporting References:

User’s Manual:

Neblett R. (2018). The Central Sensitization Inventory: A User’s Manual. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research. 23(2):e12123.

Systematic Review:

Scerbo T, Colasurdo J, Dunn S, Unger J, Nijs J, Cook C. (2018). Measurement Properties of the Central Sensitization Inventory: A Systematic Review. Pain Practice. Apr;18(4):544-554.

Multi-Country Factor Analysis:

Cuesta-Vargas AI, Neblett R, Chiarotto A, Kregel J, Nijs J, van Wilgen CP, Pitance L, Knezevic A, Gatchel RJ, Mayer TG, Viti C, Roldan-Jiménez C, Testa M, Caumo W, Jeremic-Knezevic M, Luciano JV. (2018). Dimensionality and Reliability of the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) in a Pooled Multi-Country Sample. Journal of Pain. Mar;19(3):317-329.

English version (CSI-En): 

  • Mayer TG, Neblett R, Cohen H, Howard KJ, Choi YH, Williams MJ, Perez Y, Gatchel RJ. (2012). The development and psychometric validation of the central sensitization inventory. Pain Practice. April; 12(4):276-85.
  • Neblett, R, Choi, Y, Hartzell, M, Williams, M, Cohen, H, Mayer, TG, Gatchel, RJ (2013). Establishing clinically relevant cutoff scores for the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI). The Journal of Pain. May; 14(5): 438-445.
  • Neblett R, Hartzell M, Cohen H, Mayer T, Williams M, Choi Y, Gatchel R. (2015). Ability of the Central Sensitization Inventory to Identify Central Sensitivity Syndromes in an Outpatient Chronic Pain Sample. Clinical Journal of Pain. April; 31(4): 323-332.
  • Neblett R; Hartzell M; Mayer TG; Cohen H; Gatchel RJ. (2016). Establishing Clinically Relevant Severity Levels for the Central Sensitization Inventory. Pain Practice: The Official Journal Of World Institute Of Pain. Feb;17(2):166-175.
  • Neblett R, Hartzell MM, Williams M, Bevers KR, Mayer TG, Gatchel RJ (2017). Use of the central sensitization inventory (CSI) as a treatment outcome measure for chronic spinal pain disorder patients in a functional restoration program. The Spine Journal. Feb;17(2):166-175.
  • Neblett R & Mayer TG. (2017.The Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI): Some Background and Current Trends. The Spine Journal. Nov;17(11):1766-1767.

Mexican/Central American Spanish CSI: 

Developed at PRIDE (2012)

European Spanish (CSI-Sp):

Developed by Antonio I Cuesta-Vargas, PhD, and colleagues, Cátedra de Fisioterapia, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidad de Malaga, Andalucia Tech, Instituto Investigacion de Biomédica de Malaga (IBIMA) Grupo de Clinimetria (F-14). Av/ Arquitecto Peñalosa s/n (Teatinos Campus Expansion) 29009 Malaga (Spain)

Cuesta-Vargas AI, Roldan-Jimenez C, Neblett R, Gatchel RJ. (2016) Cross-cultural adaptation and validity of the Spanish central sensitization inventory. Springerplus, Oct;5(1):1837.

French (CSI-Fr): 

Developed by Laurent Pitance, PhD, and colleagues, Clinical research institute (IREC), Université Catholique de Louvain, Oral and maxillo-facial Surgery Department and Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels.

Pitance, L., Piraux, E., Lannoy, B., Meeus, M., Berquin, A., Eeckhout, C., … & Roussel, N. (2016). Cross cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the French version of the central sensitization inventory. Manual Therapy, 25, e83-e84.

Dutch (CSI-D): 

Developed by Professor Cornelis Paul van Wilgen, PT, PhD. Vrije Universiteit Brussel · Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy; Jeroen Kregel, PhD Ghent University, Gent · Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy; Professor Jo Nijs, PT, MT, PhD Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels · Physiotherapy, Human Physiology & Anatomy (KIMA); and colleagues.

Kregel J, Vuijk PJ, Descheemaeker F, Keizer, D., van der Noord, R., Nijs, J., … & van Wilgen, P. (2016).The Dutch Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI): Factor Analysis, Discriminative Power and Test-Retest Reliability. Clin J Pain, Jul;32(7):624-30.

Gujarati (CSI-G): 

Developed by Dr. Dibyendunarayan Bid, PT, and colleagues, The Sarvajanik College of Physiotherapy, Rampura, Surat.

Bid Dibyendunarayan D, Soni Neela C, Rathod Priyanshu V, Thangamani Ramalingam A. (2016). Content Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of the Gujarati Version of the Central Sensitization Inventory. NJIRM, 7(5):18-24.

Brazilian Portuguese (CSI-BP): 

Developed by Wolnei Caumo M.D. PhD, and colleagues, Post-graduate Program in Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil; Pain and Palliative Care Service at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Laboratory of Pain and Neuromodulation at UFRGS,Porto Alegre, Brazil; and Surgery Department, School of Medicine, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Caumo W, Ruehlman LS, Karoly P, et al. (2017). Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Central Sensitization Inventory for a Brazilian Population and its relationship with the function of descending pain modulatory system and with the serum BDNF. J Pain Res, Sep;10:2109-2122.

European Portuguese (CSI-Por)

Developed by Rosa Andias and Anabela Silva, School of Health Sciences, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS), Porto, Portugal; Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS.UA), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.

Andias R & Silva A G (2020). Cross‐cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the European Portuguese version of the Central Sensitization Inventory in adolescents with musculoskeletal chronic pain. Pain Practice, 20(5), 480-490.

Serbian (CSI-Serb): 

Developed by Aleksandar Knezevic, MD, PhD, and colleagues, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Medical Rehabilitation Clinic, Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Knezevic A, Neblett R, Jeremic-Knezevic M, et al. (2018). Cross cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Serbian version of the central sensitization inventory (CSI). Pain Practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, Apr;18(4):463-472.

Knezevic, A, Neblett, R, Colovic, P, et al. (2020). Convergent and discriminant validity of the Serbian version of the Central Sensitization Inventory. Pain PracticeThe Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, Sep;20(7):724-736

Japanese (CSI-J): 

Developed by Tomohiko Nishigami, PT, PhD, and colleagues, The Sansom Institute for Health Research, The University of South Australia, School of Health Sciences, City East Campus, Adelaide, SA.

Tanaka K, Nishigami T, Mibu A, Manfuku M, Yono S, Shinohara Y, Tanabe A, Ono R. (2017).Validation of the Japanese version of the Central Sensitization Inventory in patients with musculoskeletal disorders. PLoS One, Dec 7;12(12).

Italian (CSI-I): 

Developed by Alessandro Chiarotto, MSc, and colleagues, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam; The Netherlands and Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and Amsterdam Public Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Chiarotto A, Viti C, Sulli A, Cutolo M, Testa M, Piscitelli D. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation and validity of the Italian version of the Central Sensitization Inventory. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice37, 20-28.

Polish (CSI-Pol):

Developed by Beata Tarnacka, MD, PhD, and colleagues, Department of Rehabilitation at the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland.

Turczyn, P, Kosińska, B, Janikowska-Hołoweńko, D, Malec-Milewska, M., Marszalec, N, Maleszka, P, & Tarnacka, B. (2019). Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Polish Central Sensitization Inventory. Reumatologia57(3), 129-34.

Greek (CSI-Gr): 

Developed by Prof Eleni Kapreli PT, MSc, PhD, Paraskevi Bilika, PT, MSc student, Post-graduate Program in Advanced Physiotherapy, Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation Laboratory, Physiotherapy Department, Technological Education Institute of Sterea Ellada, Lamia, Greece; Dr Georgios Georgoudis PT, MSc, PhD, Musculoskeletal & Chest Physiotherapy Laboratory, Physiotherapy Department, University of West Attika, Athens, Greece; Randy Neblett MA, LPC, BCB, PRIDE (Productive Rehabilitation Institute of Dallas for Ergonomics) Research Foundation, USA.

Bilika, P, Neblett, R, Georgoudis, G, Dimitriadis, Z, Fandridis, E, Strimpakos, N, & Kapreli, E. (2020). Cross‐cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Central Sensitization Inventory. Pain Practice: The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, Feb;20(2):188-196. DOI: 10.1111/papr.12843

German (CSI-Ge): 

Klute M, Laekeman M, Kuss K, Petzke F, Dieterich  A, Leha A, Neblett R,  Ehrhardt S, Ulma J, Schäfer A (2021). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the German Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI-GE). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Aug 18; 22(1):708.

Laekeman M, Ehrhardt S, Kuss K, Petzke F, Dieterich A, Neblett R, Schäfer A (2019) Expert and Patient perspectives on the cross-cultural translation and adaptation of the Central Sensitization Inventory into German. ePoster EFIC Congress Valencia, September. Morressier.

Turkish (CSI-Turk):

Developed by Prof Dr Murat Birtane and colleagues, Trakya University Medical Faculty Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Edirne Turkey.

Düzce Keleş E, Birtane M, Ekuklu G, Kılınçer C, Çalıyurt O, & Taştekin N. (2022). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the central sensitization inventory. Arch Rheumatol 37(4):518-526. doi:10.46497/ArchRheumatol.2022.8665

Nepali (CSI-NP):

Developed by Saurab Sharma and colleagues Department of Physiotherapy, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS), Dhulikhel Hospital, Kavre, Nepal.

Sharma, S., Jha, J., Pathak, A., & Neblett, R. (2020). Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and measurement properties of the Nepali version of the central sensitization inventory (CSI). BMC neurology20(1), 1-10.

Swedish (CSI-Swe): 

Developed by Irina Midenfjord, MS & Magnus Simrén, MD PhD, and colleagues, Dept of Internal Medicine & Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Midenfjord, I., Grinsvall, C., Koj, P., Carnerup, I., Törnblom, H., & Simrén, M. (2021). Central sensitization and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pain syndromes, and inflammatory bowel disease. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, e14156.

Finnish (CSI-Fin):

Developed by Jani Mikkonen D.C., DACNB, Ph.D., University of Eastern Finland; Hannu Luomajoki, Ph.D., Professor of Physiotherapy, Department of Health, Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland; Olavi Airaksinen M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), University of Eastern Finland; Ville Leinonen M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Eastern Finland.

Mikkonen J, Luomajoki H, Airaksinen O, Neblett R, Selander T, & Leinonen V. (2021). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Finnish version of the central sensitization inventory and its relationship with dizziness and postural control. BMC Neurology, 21(1), 1-15.

Danish (CSI-Dan): 

Developed by Professor Søren O’Neill, D.C., Ph.D, M. Rehab.; Henrik Hein Lauridsen, D.C., MSc., Ph.D.; Johanne Brinch Filtenborg, MSc.; Casper Glissmann Nim, MSc.; Liam Holm, BSc.; Spinecenter of Southern Denmark, Lillebaelt Hospital, Middelfart, Denmark; University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Holm, L. A., Nim, C. G., Lauridsen, H. H., Filtenborg, J. B., & O’Neill, S. F. (2022). Convergent validity of the central sensitization inventory and experimental testing of pain sensitivity. Scandinavian Journal of Pain22(3), 597-613.

Korean (CSI-Kor):

Developed by Man Soo Kim, MD, PhD, and colleagues , Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea

Kim, M. S., Koh, I. J., Kim, C. K., Choi, K. Y., Kim, C. Y., & In, Y. (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean version of the Central Sensitization Inventory in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis. Plos one15(12), e0242912.

Russian (CSI-R):

Developed by Oleg Esin, MD, PhD, and colleagues, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia, Tatarstan Republic, Kazan.

Esin OR, Gorobets EA, Khairullin IKh, Esin RG, Gamirova RG, Shamsutdinova RF, Fedorenko AI, Faskhutdinova AT, Khakimova AR. Central Sensitization Inventory — a Russian version. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry = Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. 2020;120(6):51–56. (In Russ.).

Persian (CSI-Per): 

Developed by Karim Noorollahzadeh, Ph.D candidate of Physical therapy, Department of Physical therapy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran; Sedighe Kahrizi, Associated profosser of Physical therapy, Department of Physical therapy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran; and Mohammad Gholami-Fesharaki, Assistance Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

Noorollahzadeh K, Kahrizi S, Fesharaki MG, Majid Heidarian M, Neblett R, Behzadipour S (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the Persian version of the central sensitization inventory. MSK Science and Practice, 51, 102314.  DOI: 10.1016/j.msksp.2020.102314

Arabic (CSI-Ar):

Developed by Mohammad A. Madi, PT. PhD and colleagues, Department of Physical therapy and Occupational Therapy, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan

Madi, M., Hamzeh, H., Abujaber, S., & Altubasi, I. (2021). Cross cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability of Central Sensitization Inventory in Arabic language. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-9.

Hungarian (CSI-Hun):

Developed by Szilvia Ambrus, DMD, and colleagues, Semmelweis University, Hungary and University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium.

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Thai (CSI-Thai)

Developed by Taweewat Wiangkham,  PhD, MRes AHR, BS PT (hons), Cert. ICH GCP and colleagues, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand.

Wiangkham, T., Phungwattanakul, N., Rinpol, T., Somsiri, A., Mainoiy, S., Bannathong, T., … & Neblett, R. (2022). Central Sensitisation Inventory-Thai version: translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and psychometric evaluation in chronic non-specific neck pain. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2149863

Chinese – Simplified Version for China:

Liang D, Yu X, Guo X, Zhang J, Jiang R. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of the short-form of the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI-9) in patients with chronic pain: A single-center study. PLoS One. 2023 Mar 16;18(3):e0282419. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282419. PMID: 36928443; PMCID: PMC10019621.

Xu C, Yao S, Wei W, Zhang H, Ma J, Shang L. (2023). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation for central sensitization inventory: based on Chinese patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis. J Orthop Surg Res. 13;18(1):960. doi: 10.1186/s13018-023-04375-3. PMID: 38093300; PMCID: PMC10717624.

Chinese – Traditional Version for Taiwan and Hong Kong:

Developed by Yuling Wang, Rehabilitation Medicine Center, The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University; Wing Yuk Ip, The University of Hong Kong, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology; and colleagues, in the People’s Republic of China.

Feng, B., Hu, X., Lu, W. W., Wang, Y., & Ip, W. Y. (2022). Cultural validation of the Chinese central sensitization inventory in patients with chronic pain and its predictive ability of comorbid central sensitivity syndromes. Journal of Pain Research, 15;15:467-477. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S348842. PMID: 35210847; PMCID: PMC8857991.

Marathi (CSI-Mar):

Developed by Dr. Ashwini Kale, MPTh, Associate Professor, MGM’s Institute Of Physiotherapy Aurangabad, Maharashtra, INDIA

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Kannada (CSI-Kan):

Developed by Nidhi S. and colleagues at Srinivas University, Mangalore, India

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Czech (CSI-Czech):

Developed by Tomas Kavka and colleagues, Motol University Hospital and Second Medical Faculty at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Tamil (CSI-Tamil):

Developed by A.Thangamani Ramalingam and colleagues, Sarvajanik college of physiotherapy, Rampura, chadda-ole, Surat, India

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Indonesian (CSI-Ind):

Developed by Dr. Magdalena Surjaningsih Halim, Saraswati E., Ribka R., Reyhania A. & Rifdah A., Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Ukrainian (CSI-Ukr):

Developed by M. Stanislavchuk, Prof., D.M.S. and V. Bombela, MD., Chair of Internal Medicine #1, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine.

Stanislavchuk M, Bombela V, Shkarivskyy Y. Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Central Sensitization Inventory for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Lviv clinical bulletin 2022, 1(37)-2(38): 21-27.

Hebrew (CSI-Heb):

Developed by Simon Vulfsons, M.D. and colleagues, Rambam Institute for Pain Medicine, in Haifa Israel.

Hindi (CSI-Hin):

Developed by Chinmay jain, Postgraduate student, Dr. Prem V, PT, Ph.D. Associate Professor, and Dr. Karvannan H, Ph.d. PT Associate Professor, Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Bangalore, India.


Fear Avoidance Components Scale (FACS)

Pain-related avoidance of activities, due to fear of increased pain or (re)injury, is a common problem for people with painful medical conditions. Fear-avoidance (FA) can lead to decreased functioning and to disability from activities of daily living. Though other self-report measures of FA are available, they have been criticized for not adequately evaluating all important components of FA. The Fear-Avoidance Components Scale (FACS), originally introduced in 2015, is a new measure of FA that attempts to improve on these earlier instruments by comprehensively evaluating important cognitive, behavioral, and affective components of FA in patients with painful medical conditions.

The FACS has 20 items, scored on a 6-point Likert scale, for a total score range of 0 to 100. Total scores indicate one of the following severity levels: Subclinical (0-20); Mild (21-40); Moderate (41-60); Severe (61-80); and Extreme (81-100). In its initial published validation study, the FACS demonstrated strong test-retest reliability (Pearson r between .9 and .94) and internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha between .89 and .92). The FACS severity levels corresponded well with score distributions from different subject populations with painful medical conditions. Subjects with the highest level of functioning, and presumably the lowest disability and FA, scored in the lower FACS severity levels. Subjects with the lowest levels of functioning, and presumably the highest disability and FA, scored in the higher FACS severity levels. In addition, strong associations were found among FACS scores and other FA-related psychosocial patient-reported outcome variables and objective lifting performance variables in a chronic musculoskeletal pain disorder population admitted to an interdisciplinary functional restoration program.

Supporting References:

English version (FACS-En):

Neblett R, Mayer TG, Hartzell MM, Williams MJ, Gatchel RJ. The fear-avoidance components scale (FACS): Development and psychometric evaluation of a new measure of pain-related fear avoidance. Pain Practice: The Official Journal Of World Institute Of Pain. 2016 Apr; 16 (4):435-50.

Neblett R, Mayer TG, Williams M, Asih S, Cuesta-Vargas AI, Hartzell MM, Gatchel RJ. (2017). The fear-avoidance components scale (FACS): Responsiveness and functional restoration treatment outcomes in a chronic musculoskeletal pain disorder (CMPD) population. Clinical Journal of Pain. Dec;33(12):1088–1099.

European Spanish (FACS-Sp):

Developed by Antonio I Cuesta-Vargas, PhD, and colleagues, Cátedra de Fisioterapia, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidad de Malaga, Andalucia Tech, Instituto Investigacion de Biomédica de Malaga (IBIMA) Grupo de Clinimetria (F-14). Av/ Arquitecto Peñalosa s/n (Teatinos Campus Expansion) 29009 Malaga (Spain)

Cuesta-Vargas, AI, Roldan-Jimenez C, Neblett R, Gatchel RJ. (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation and validity of the Spanish Fear Avoidance Components Scale and clinical implications in primary care. BMC Family Practice, 21(44), 1-9.

Serbian (FACS-Serb):

Developed by Aleksandar Knezevic, MD, PhD, and colleagues, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Medical Rehabilitation Clinic, Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Knezevic A, Neblett R, Gatchel RJ, Jeremic-Knezevic M, Bugarski-Ignjatovic V, Tomasevic-Todorovic S, Boskovic K, Cuesta-Vargas A (2018). Psychometric validation of the Serbian version of the Fear Avoidance Component Scale (FACS). PLOS ONE 13(9): e0204311.

Dutch (FACS-Du):

Developed by Liesbet De Baets and colleagues, REVAL Rehabilitation Research, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium.

De Baets L, Matheve T, Mingels S, Bruijnes A, Van Goethem A, Huybrechts X, Neblett R, Timmermansa A, Janssens L. (2020). The Development and Measurement Properties of the Dutch Version of the Fear-Avoidance Component Scale in Persons with Low Back and Shoulder Pain. Submitted for publication.

Gujarati (FACS-G):

Developed by Dr. Dibyendunarayan Bid, PT, and colleagues, The Sarvajanik College of Physiotherapy, Rampura, Surat

Bid Dibyendunarayan D, Neblett R, Thangamani Ramalingam A, Patel Charmy J, Patel Karishma N, Patel Rinkal L, Narola Shama J, Sailor Vyoma V. (2020). Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the Gujarati Fear-Avoidance Components Scale. Physiotherapy – The Journal of Indian Association of Physiotherapists, 14(2) 98.

Brazilian Portuguese (FACS-Br):

Developed by Thais Cristina Chaves PhD and colleagues, Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil.

Martins Silva GZ, de Lira MR, Garcêz LR, George SZ, Neblett R, Pezolato A, Lima TC, Chaves TC (2024). Measurement properties of two questionnaires assessing fear-avoidance in patients with chronic low back pain. Eval Health Prof. Jul 22:1632787241264588. doi: 10.1177/01632787241264588. Epub ahead of print.

Persian (FACS-Per):

Developed by Afshin Aghazadeh, Sohani, Soheil Mansour and Mohamad Parnianpour, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

(Psychometric evaluation is currently in progress)

Turkish (FACS-Turk):

Developed by Kadir Turan PhD student, Zübeyir Sarı, PT, PhD, and colleagues, Marmara University, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey

Turan K, Sarı Z, Özden F. 2023. Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the fear avoidance components scale in patients with chronic pain related to musculoskeletal disorders. Wien Klin Wochenschr. doi: 10.1007/s00508-023-02224-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37278855.

French (FACS-Fr):

Developed by Guillaume Leonard, Arnaud Duport, and colleagues, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Research Center on Aging, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada 

Duport A, Bédard S, Raynauld C, Bordeleau M, Neblett R, Balg F, Devanne H & Léonard G. (2023). Cross-cultural translation and psychometric validation of the French version of the Fear-Avoidance Components Scale (FACS). Plos one, 18(10), e0288899.

Arabic (FACS-A):

Developed by Abdullah Alqarni and colleagues, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences, King Abdulaziz University and King Abdulazizi University Hospital, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Alqarni, A., Othman, R., Alabasi, U., Khan, F., Alhamed, A., Nogali, S., & Neblett, R. (2024). Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and measurement properties of the Arabic version of the fear avoidance components scale. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1–5.

Simplified Chinese for China (FACS-China):

Developed by Zhongyi Tu (Mars) PT, MSc., The First People’s Hospital of Baiyin, Baiyin, 730900, China, and Junfang Miao, MSc, RN, Yanzhao Zhang, OT, MSc.; Zhaohui Yang, MD.; and Rui Xu, MSc, RN, Department of Rehabilitation, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

(Submitted for publication)

Traditional Chinese for Taiwan (FACS-Taiwan)

Developed by Dr. Yi-Fen Shih and colleagues, from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

(Psychometric evaluation is currently in progress)

Korean (FACS-Kor):

Developed by Professor Se-jin Hong and colleagues, Gachon University, and Professor Kyounghae Kim and colleagues, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)

Ukrainian (FACS-Ukr)

Developed by Vitalii Bombela, PhD student, and colleagues, Department of Internal Medicine № 1, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukraine.

(Psychometric validation is currently in progress)


Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ)

The PDQ is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure functional disability in patients with pain disorders involving the neuromuscluloskeletal system. The PDQ has demonstrated excellent psychometric properties, including test-retest reliability coefficients ranging from 0.94 to 0.98 and a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.96. In fact, the PDQ has been shown to have better psychometric properties than other similar self-report disability questionnaires that have been reported in the literature. In addition, higher PDQ scores, both before and after functional restoration treatment, have been shown to be predictive of poorer socioeconomic outcomes one-year after treatment discharge, including poorer rates of work return and retention.
The PDQ uses a visual analog scale, scored from 0 to 10, for each of the 15 items. Add the items to determine a Total Functional Disability score, which ranges from 0 to 150. Five functional disability severity levels have been recommended to aid clinical interpretation: Mild = 1 – 40; Moderate = 41 -70; Severe = 71 – 100; Very Severe = 101 – 130; and Extreme = 131 – 150. Two subscale scores can also be determined. The score total from items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 indicate a Functional Status Component (FSC), and the score total from items 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15 indicate a Psychosocial Component (PC).

Supporting References:

  • Anagnostis C, Gatchel R, Mayer T. (2004). The Pain Disability Questionnaire: A New Psychometrically Sound Measure for Chronic Musculo-skeletal Disorders. SPINE. October; 29(20): 2290-2302.
  • Gatchel R, Mayer T, Theodore B. (2006). The Pain Disability Questionnaire: Relationship to One-Year Functional and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Outcomes. The Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. March; 16(1): 75-94.
  • Giordano, P. C. M., Alexandre, N. M. C., Rodrigues, R. C. M., & Coluci, M. Z. O. (2012). The Pain Disability Questionnaire: a reliability and validity study. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem20(1), 76-83.
  • Yoon, J., Choi, K. H., Kim, T. W., Yang, S. Y., & Sim, M. K. (2013). Reliability and validity of the Korean version of the pain disability questionnaire. Annals of rehabilitation medicine37(6), 814.
  • Knezevic A, Colovic P, Jeremic‐Knezevic M, Demesi-Drljan C, Simic-Panic D, and Neblett R. (2021) Assessing the Functional Status of Patients with Chronic Pain—Cross Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version of the Pain Disability Questionnaire. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 6911.

PRIDE Patient Demographics



Lumbar 19% Hip/Knee 20%
Cervical/Thoracic 18% Ankle/Foot 9%
Shoulder/Elbow 20% Other 4%
Wrist/Hand 10% *Many of our patients are treated for multiple areas of injury

Other Conditions Treated at PRIDE Include:

Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Addiction, Chronic Headaches, Mild Stroke, Amputations, Post Traumatice Stress Disorder (PTSD), Opioid Dependence Disorder, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI), Mild Spinal Cord Injury, and Complex Region Pain Syndrome (CRPS) / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)


<30 8%
30-45 26%
46-60 46%
>60 20%


Male 66%
Female 34%


African American 28%
Asian 2%
Caucasian 36%
Hispanic 33%
Native American 1%

Internal Use


Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI)- Publication Updates!

Central sensitization refers to dysfunction in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) which results in enhancement of pain sensations and can cause hypersensitivity to external stimuli (light, sound, scents, social stressors, etc.). Central sensitization...

Public Service Announcement

Click to View Announcement Hello Everyone, We have BIG NEWS to share! As of October 1, 2021, PRIDE Rehabilitation has new ownership! We are excited to release that Gregory Powell, MD, MBA and E. Kano Mayer, MD recently acquired PRIDE and look forward continuing the...

Welcome to the Functional Restoration Blog

Welcome to the first installment of the Functional Restoration Blog. I am Dr. Gregory Powell, MD, the new Associate Medical Director here at PRIDE and Functional Restoration Associates. I previously worked with Dr. Mayer and the dedicated staff here in Dallas from...

My First Post

Look, I'm creating a blog!

Biofeedback and Self-Regulation Training

PRIDE Biofeedback Team

Biofeedback is a training tool in which processes in your body, such as muscle tension, are measured and displayed to you on a computer screen. Biofeedback training can help you to become more aware of, and to have more control over these bodily processes. Relaxation training is a related technique that teaches you skills for entering a state of deep mental and physical relaxation, which is associated with healing and pain reduction. Biofeedback and relaxation training are provided by licensed mental health professionals who specialize in behavioral methods for controlling stress, tension, pain, anxiety, and other symptoms. Biofeedback and relaxation training are used in conjunction with stress management education and supportive counseling to teach you ‘self-regulation’ skills for controlling the physical and emotional symptoms that are involved in chronic pain. Following each training session, you will be asked to practice these techniques as homework. You will also be provided with educational handouts and online resources, including a variety of guided relaxation exercises to practice at home. 

Almost all PRIDE patients who practice these techniques report success with stress reduction and pain control.

Biofeedback Modalities

Biofeedback services are provided by licensed mental health professionals who specialize in behavioral methods for controlling stress, tension, pain, anxiety, and other symptoms. Biofeedback is a training tool in which processes in your body (such as muscle tension) are measured and displayed to you on a computer screen. Biofeedback training helps patients become more aware of, and have more control over, these bodily processes. Biofeedback is used in conjunction with guided relaxation training, paced breathing, stress management education, and supportive counseling. Two forms of biofeedback are used most often at PRIDE.

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of heart rate (HR) patterns, which provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. The goal of HRV biofeedback training is to create a large wave pattern in the heart (increased HR during inhale and decreased HR during exhale) by maintaining a slow, steady breathing pace (typically around 6 breaths per minute). Use of this technique is associated with autonomic nervous system relaxation, improved general health parameters, and improved symptoms of specific disorders (including high blood pressure, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, and others). PRIDE patients who learn and practice this skill typically report success with increased relaxation, reduce stress/anxiety/pain, and improved sleep.

Surface electromyography (SEMG) is a measure of muscle activity. It allows patients to learn increased awareness and control over specific muscles or muscle groups. SEMG is measured with surface electrodes, placed on the skin over the target muscle(s). This modality can be used to identify muscles that are too tense, and train them to relax, or to identify muscles that are inhibited during use, and train them to recruit more effectively. Specific assessment and training protocols have been developed at PRIDE for specific muscle groups and pain patterns. Many of these protocols have been published in peer-reviewed journals. See the following articles to learn more.

Medication Management

People experiencing chronic pain frequently use medications to reduce discomfort. The use of medications in treating chronic pain can be a helpful tool if managed well. However, long-term use of certain medications, including opioids, does little to solve the problem, and over time, these medications can lose their effectiveness. Even worse, long-term use of opioids and related medications, can result in negative side effects, including chronic constipation, changes in mood, dependence, addiction, and sometimes increased pain (called opioid-induced hyperalgesia).

At PRIDE, our physicians develop individualized medication plans for each patient. PRIDE physicians and staff help patients reduce their dependence on medications through effective rehabilitation and pain management skills training. Patients who complete the treatment program will leave with the medications and pain management tools needed to continue managing their pain effectively, so they can participate in the family, social, and work activities that are important to them.

PRIDE physicians are experts in the most effective and safe medications for managing chronic pain. 

PRIDE Patient Resources

PRIDE Patient Resources

Performance Indicators – PRIDE Dallas 2020 – 2023

PRIDE Patient Resources – Audio


Directions for Drivers:

PRIDE has moved and is now conveniently located off the exit of Mockingbird Lane and Interstate 35 on 7929 Brookriver Drive Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75247.

  • Parking is FREE.
  • Located minutes from Love Field Airport

North of Dallas

Take I-35 South; exit Mockingbird Lane.
Left on Mockingbird Lane.
Right on Brookriver Drive.

South of Dallas

Take I-35 North; exit Mockingbird Lane.
Right on Mockingbird Lane.
Right on Brookriver Drive.

East of Dallas

Take I-30 to I-35 North
Exit Mockingbird Lane.
Right on Mockingbird Lane.
Right on Brookriver Drive.

West of Dallas

Take I-30 to I-35 North
Exit Mockingbird Lane.
Left on Mockingbird Lane
Right on Brookriver Drive.

Success Stories

“PRIDE helped me build my strength in my whole body. I needed this help desperately.”
-M. M.

Awards and Accreditations

PRIDE is a current recipient of CARF Accreditation for its Outpatient Rehabilitation Program (Adults). This accreditation has been consistently awarded to PRIDE since 1996. CARF is a private, non-profit organization working to advance quality rehabilitation services. CARF accreditation indicates a service provider’s commitment to “continually improving services, encouraging feedback and serving the community”

In 2008, PRIDE was one of six recipients of the Clinical Centers of Excellence in Pain Management Awards and the only one in Texas. The American Pain Society is a national chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). IASP is the largest multidisciplinary international association for pain with more than 6500 individual members from over 100 countries. This award recognizes the nation’s outstanding pain care centers.

PRIDE was awarded the NASS Research Grant on Functional Restoration outcomes in 1994. NASS is a non-profit medical society focused on improving spine treatments through research, education and promotion. Since 1989, NASS has distributed annual research grants and fellowships for basic and applied clinical science studies.

In 1985, shortly after PRIDE opened, it was awarded the Volvo Award in Clinical Sciences for their results, established in a research paper: “Objective Assessment of Spine Function Following Industrial Injury: A Prospective Study with Comparison Group and One-year Follow-Up.” The Volvo Award in Clinical Sciences in a special honor awarded by the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS). ISSLS is a non-profit organization created in 1974 to bring together individuals who have contributed to research and clinical studies and have an interest in lumbar spine health.

PRIDE is a proud supporter of the 10 x 25 Initiative to help reduce spinal disability 10% by year 2025. Click to learn more.

Additional Medical Services

Additional Medical Services Offered by PRIDE

  • Medical Consultation (Orthopedic, PM&R)
  • Medication Management
  • Impairment Ratings
  • Workers Compensation Case Management
  • Nerve Conduction Study (EMG)
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation
  • Therapeutic Injection
  • Psychological Counseling

Functional Restoration Program

Functional Restoration is designed for individuals with chronic pain who are limited from performing many activities of daily living (ADL) or work functions.

PRIDE’s program uses an interdisciplinary treatment approach, in which experts from a variety of clinical disciplines work together as a team. All treatment is overseen and directed by medical doctors. PRIDE’s staff of physicians includes board-certified specialists in orthopedics, physical medicine & rehabilitation, psychiatry, and pain management. PRIDE’s clinical treatment team includes nurses, nurse practitioners, psychologists, counselors, physical and occupational therapists, exercise technicians and case managers.

All clinicians and physicians are on-site and available to every patient.

Through a combination of physical treatments (stretching, strengthening, and real-life physical activities), skills training (in specific stress and pain management techniques) , education (both individually and class-room setting), personal support (including individual counseling, problem solving, and post-treatment planning), PRIDE’s functional restoration program helps patients overcome barriers to wellness, to regain daily functioning, and to resume a happier and more productive lifestyle.

PRIDE’s mission is to empower and assist patients to return to work, improve their quality of life, decrease dependence on medication and health providers, and avoid recurrent injuries by increasing physical capacity to the highest level possible through functional restoration.

Functional Restoration Assessment Process

PRIDE has been the leader in methods of quantifying function for over thirty years.

All patients referred to the PRIDE functional restoration program undergo a thorough physical and psychosocial assessment by the interdisciplinary treatment team. Physical function is measured and quantified by licensed physical and occupational therapists, with tests of range-of-motion, strength and ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) like lifting, bending, reaching, climbing and squatting. Psychosocial functioning is quantified with a mental health assessment, by licensed mental health professionals, with the aid of validated patient-reported questionnaires.

Especially unique to PRIDE is the quantitative physical testing procedures which identify “weak links,” or specific areas of musculoskeletal immobility and weakness. Our state-of-the art Biodex assessment equipment is usually seen only at major sports medicine facilities, geared toward testing and training elite athletes. Biodex machines measure Isokinetic (which means measuring at a constant speed through a joint’s available motion) strength and lifting capacity of affected joints and body regions. This technology provides PRIDE with the safest and fastest way to identify, document, and treat physical impairments that are contributing to pain and functional limitations.

Using the testing results, and clinical input from the entire treatment team, individual goals are aligned with each patient, and an individualized treatment program is developed. Each patient and their treatment team then work together to meet treatment goals and achieve successful outcomes.

Functional Restoration Treatment

Functional Restoration treatment involves a comprehensive mix of physical and educational components, all scientifically proven to help patients overcome chronic pain and disability, with return to a more functional lifestyle. These components include counseling, stress management, daily educational classes and personalized instruction. A unique feature of the program is its physical training process, individualized for each patient based on age, gender and size, using the results of the Biodex isokinetic testing and the other functional assessment tasks.

The testing and computer-assisted training sets realistic individualized training levels that are neither too high nor too low, helping each patient achieve the greatest possible physical progress. Goal achievement and overall outcomes are documented upon completion of treatment.

After Functional Restoration Treatment

Rehabilitation doesn’t stop after the functional restoration program has been completed. Upon graduation, patients are provided with an individualized post-treatment home fitness maintenance program. By adhering to their home programs, patients can continue to make gains in strength, flexibility, function, and pain management skills.

PRIDE patients also have an opportunity to participate in a Long-Term Care Plan (LTCP) with their managing physicians, to ensure continuity of care through quarterly visits, ongoing medication management, and opportunities for consultation with PRIDE clinicians to address pain flare-ups.

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

Individuals first participate in a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), directed by licensed physical and occupational therapists. The FCE process includes range-of-motion measurements of the affected body part(s), strength and lifting testing using our state-of-the-art Biodex equipment, various functional tests based on the individual’s work or home activities of daily living (ADL) demands, and aerobic capacity fitness assessment.

Our FCE uses validated and standardized measurements to compare an individual’s results (individualized by age, gender, height and weight) with a large normative database (what is considered normal for the majority of the population).

PRIDE’s FCE helps the physical and occupational therapists establish treatment goals and progress each patient safely and effectively through physical treatment to reach maximum physical performance.

Test results are provided to referring physicians, staff physicians, case managers, and participants.

Physical Therapy

physical_reconditioningPRIDE’s physical therapists (PTs) use the FCE results to create individualized exercise programs for each patient. A significant emphasis is placed on regaining flexibility through one-on-one therapist instruction and yoga-based stretch classes. Advanced exercise equipment is used for targeted muscle strengthening, with a specific focus on the injured or affected body parts.

PTs provide close supervision during all phases of treatment, to help patients reach their fitness and functional goals, and to ensure that their conditioning program is both safe and effective. They also provide educational instruction on specific pain control strategies for managing pain flare-ups.

PRIDE PTs help patients gradually improve:

  • maximum joint motion
  • muscle performance (strength, power, and endurance)
  • cardiovascular fitness levels
  • balance
  • coordination and core strength

Prior to the completion of the program, a thorough instruction in an individualized Home or Gym Fitness Maintenance Program is provided.

Occupational Therapy

activity_simulation3Occupational Therapy (OT) at PRIDE focuses on whole-body physical conditioning, with simulated functional tasks, designed to prepare patients with physical disabilities to successfully return to important activities of daily living, including work duties.

Using FCE results, OTs create individualized and unique therapeutic activities, to help patients regain physical conditioning and function, and successfully return to the activities that are important to them. Progression of each patient’s conditioning program is closely monitored for safety and patient ability.

PRIDE’s OTs have many areas of expertise, including hand therapies, orthotics, assistive devices, and pain control modalities.

Psychological Support & Counseling

At PRIDE, we use a biopsychosocial approach to treatment, which views chronic pain and disability as a complex interaction among physical, psychological, and social factors. So, the most effective treatment of chronic pain includes both medical and psychological interventions. At PRIDE, we understand that chronic pain can disrupt many areas of your life. It can alter your personality, disrupt your sleep, impact your interpersonal relationships, and interfere with your ability to perform activities of daily living, including work duties. Many people with chronic pain develop negative emotions, including anxiety, anger, sadness, hopelessness, and depression.

Emotional distress directly influences pain by increasing muscle tension, increasing your brain’s perception of pain, and altering levels of neurotransmitters associated with pain. It may also have the indirect effect of causing you to limit or avoid activities, leading to physical deconditioning and loss of function, which may ultimately result in increased pain and disability. PRIDE counselors will help you get out of this cycle of emotional distress, tension, and pain and to better understand the relationship between emotions, behaviors, and physical symptoms. They will teach you effective cognitive and behavioral symptom management skills that will help you feel better, manage your pain better, and function better in your life.

The mental health professionals at PRIDE have over 60 years of experience treating patients with chronic pain and disability.

Make an Appointment / New Patient Forms

Patients are welcome to call our offices during normal business hours and speak to our Intake Coordinator to discuss your case and learn how PRIDE can help you. To participate in this rehabilitation program we must get a referral from your provider.  Once we receive a referral, we will call you to get scheduled as soon as possible. 


Please feel free to call our intake coordinator at 214-389-6686


Download & Complete Patient Forms

Be sure to:
  1. Complete all forms
  2. Sign all notices
  3. Bring the completed forms with you to your first appointment
Patient Forms:
If you wish to contact us directly, you can send us a message OR
Call us at 214-351-6600 or use our toll free number 800-479-0902
We promise to respond to you as soon as possible.
Please note we are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am-5:00pm (CT)
We hope you will take a moment to look through our website and learn about our program and services, read our Patient section with frequently asked questions and take a photo tour of our facility. Remember to arrive on your appointment day with your completed paperwork and any medical reports and films from previous doctors that will help us best understand your medical condition. You will be contacted prior to your appointment to confirm the date and time. If you have any questions, please be sure to call.

Thank you for choosing PRIDE (Productive Rehabilitation in Dallas for Ergonomics) for your physical rehabilitation needs. We look forward to meeting you SOON.

Functional Restoration: What to Expect

What does a typical day in the PRIDE Functional Restoration program include?

Your day starts with a total body stretch class, where an exercise technician will guide you through a relaxing sequence of stretches to prepare you for your day ahead. You can stretch to your comfort and ability level. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and shoes that will allow you to stretch and exercise comfortably.

Your morning includes personalized workouts with your Physical Therapist (PT), Occupational Therapist (OT), and Exercise Technicians in both the PT and OT gyms.

At mid day, lunch will be provided during an educational class taught by our staff, followed by a Bodyworks class that focuses on keeping you active in fun and challenging ways.

You will participate in an early afternoon educational or exercise training class.

Finally, you will wrap up your day in the PT and OT gyms.

You will have the opportunity throughout your day to meet with your Psychology, Biofeedback, and Rehabilitation Counselors as needed.

As your program nears completion, we will work with you on a post-program fitness maintenance plan.

Who we serve

  • PRIDE serves individuals who can benefit from an interdisciplinary sports medicine approach to address chronic pain.
  • PRIDE is intended for patients with painful injuries or medical conditions that are preventing them from returning to full-duty work and/or are interfering with important activities of daily living.
  • PRIDE handles all pre-authorization requirements for our workers’ compensation patients and contacts private insurance carriers to determine benefit coverage for group health patients.
  • PRIDE offers assistance with workers compensation forms, department of labor forms, and insurance forms.
  • PRIDE does not discriminate or exclude patients based on Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Sexual Orientation or Culture.
Click here for patient demographics.

“What a team! The people at PRIDE worked with me every step of the way.”


“PRIDE taught me so much, especially the right way to stretch, lift and relearn the right way to move. It all came together for me!”


“The most beneficial part of the PRIDE rehabilitation plan for me was the exercise program that gave me the strength and support I needed.”


“I am so glad I went to PRIDE. It got me back to operating as normal as possible.”


“I am just thankful for the whole program. It got the job done.”


 “PRIDE helped me build my strength in my whole body. I needed this help desperately.”



“I never thought that learning the right way to stretch and work out could make such a difference!”


PRIDE Educational Classes

You will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of classes, covering important health, pain, and disability-related topics, including:
  • Anatomy and physiology related to pain and deconditioning
  • Nutrition for good health and weight loss
  • Pain-related medications, including opioids, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, hypnotics, and psychotropics
  • Specific exercise techniques, including core strengthening, posture, and use of a Swiss ball and therapeutic bands
  • The use of quantification in functional restoration and how it is used to guide progression of physical treatment
  • Workers compensation law
  • Concepts of stress, its relationship to pain, and management strategies
  • How negative thinking, emotions, and behaviors can contribute to stress, pain, and disability, and strategies for modifying those factors
  • Sleep education, including behavioral strategies for improving sleep success
  • Family dynamics and chronic pain
  • Assertiveness training

What can you look forward to upon completion and discharge from our program?

  • Significant improvements in function, which mean that you will be better able to resume activities that are important to you. This can include working at fully-duty, tackling physical challenges, playing with your kids/grandkids, mowing your lawn, working in your garden, cooking, or playing golf again. At PRIDE, we want to help you get your life life back!
  • Education on how to handle pain symptoms when they arise and a better understanding of the relationship between external factors in your life and pain so that you can better care for yourself.
  • Decreased long-term dependence on medications, medical procedures, and doctors. We want you to regain your independence!
  • An appropriate, effective, and individualized medication plan.
  • An individualized fitness maintenance program for continued success at home!

FAQ for Patients Traveling from out of the DFW area

What can I expect on my first visit?
On your first day here with us, you will start with a visit with your doctor. Please bring your paperwork, completely filled out, so that the nurse can review it with you. After your doctor’s visit, you will begin an evaluation process with the PRIDE staff. You will stay in town overnight and complete your evaluation the next day.
What do I wear or bring?
Since you will participate in a physical evaluation process, please wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. We also recommend that you bring a light sweatshirt or jacket in case you get chilled (even in the summer time). You can bring snacks, books, magazines, etc. We will provide lunch. We have secure lockers for your personal items. Also, please do not forget to bring your completed paperwork.
Where will I be staying?
PRIDE makes arrangement for you to stay at the Candlewood Suites Extended Stay, a convenient and quality hotel. Please see the enclosed information regarding Candlewood Suites (Special arrangements will be made for those already authorized for treatment). All of the hotel rooms have full kitchens, so you can bring some groceries for breakfast and dinner. We will provide lunch at PRIDE. Candlewood Suites also offers free high-speed Internet, gym, & guest laundry.
Will transportation be provided to and from the hotel to PRIDE?
Yes, the hotel has a shuttle bus that drops patients off in the morning and picks them up in the afternoons.
Will transportation be provided from the airport?
Yes, we will make arrangements to have you picked up from the airport. Our out-of-town patient coordinator will let you know the details. (If you find yourself in an emergency situation, please contact our PRIDE answering service at 972-260-9531 and they will contact a staff member who can help you).
I will be driving to PRIDE, can you help me with directions, parking, etc.
A map will be included in your new patient paperwork packet and is also posted on our website. You can also contact our Intake Coordinator at 214-389-6671 with any questions. She will be more than happy to help you.
Where will I eat?
The hotel will provide you with recommended restaurants in the area for breakfast and dinner. You can also prepare food in your hotel room. Candlewood Suites Extended Stay hotels have full kitchens for easy meal preparation. PRIDE provides lunch and free coffee service daily. We also have vending machines for your convenience.

Insurance & Billing

As a service to our patients, we handle all pre-authorization requirements for workers’ compensation cases, and we will contact managed care insurance providers to determine best coverage. However, we recommend that patients always check with their insurance provider to determine their coverage and benefits.

In most cases, health insurance will cover treatment. Scroll down for a summary of insurances we accept and make sure you talk to our Referral Coordinator if you need help clarifying your insurance coverage.

…if you have any questions, our staff is here to help

PRIDE will process the invoices to the appropriate payor (workers comp, insurance company or other based on set procedure codes). The payer will process the information and make payments based upon agreed fee amounts and schedules. An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is generated and sent to the patient and to PRIDE.

If you have any questions at any time, our staff is here to help make the billing and insurance process as “pain free” as possible.

Insurance Provider List

If your insurance company is not listed please call us to find out whether you are eligible for coverage. We are happy to assist!

Workers’ Compensation


  • Liberty HCN
  • Coventry Integrated
  • Coventry HCN
  • Frist Health TX HCN
  • Genex
  • The Hartford
  • Employer’s Managed Provider 
  • Zurich

Texas Mutual

  • Texas Star
  • WorkWell


  • CorCare


  • Rockport
  • CompKey+
  • Tarrant County 504
  • River View Provider Group
  • Broadspire
  • SORM


  • IMO-Med Select
  • Tristar Risk

Department of Labor

  • Longshore
  • Defense Base Act

Group Health

We are contracted with most major Group Health Plans. Please call our Referral Coordinator for verification of benefits

PRIDE’s History & Vision

PRIDE’s Mission

is to empower and assist patients to return to work, improve their quality of life, decrease dependence on medication and health providers, and avoid recurrent injuries by increasing physical capacity to the highest level possible through Functional Restoration.

PRIDE (Productive Rehabilitation Institute of Dallas for Ergonomics) was established in 1983 as an alternative to the typical chronic pain management programs available at that time. While these programs were effective in helping patients cope with chronic pain, they did not provide measurable improvement in function, medication management or help with returning patients to productivity. The PRIDE program was established to provide a sports medicine method for treating people with chronic musculoskeletal pain.

…helping injured workers getting back to life and work! 

PRIDE’s novel approach to chronic pain, known as Functional Restoration, is a medically directed, interdisciplinary treatment, that emphasizes measurement, mobilization, and re-activation and supported by education, counseling and stress management. It was the first comprehensive Functional Restoration program in the world and has received many awards throughout its years of service (See Awards and Accreditation)

PRIDE’s in-house staff of physicians includes board-certified specialists in orthopedics, physical medicine, rehabilitation, psychiatry, and pain management. PRIDE’s clinical treatment team includes nurses, nurse practitioners, psychologists, counselors, physical and occupational therapists, exercise techs and case managers. Since 1983, PRIDE has been helping injured workers getting back to life and work! 

PRIDE works with all patients to “Conquer Pain thru Function” so that patients can return to work and/or improve their quality of life. Through careful assessment and directed rehabilitation, a patient is capable of experiencing a whole new way of life.

Physicians • Nurse Practitioners • Occupational TherapistsPhysical TherapistsExercise TechniciansCase ManagementBehavioral MedicineNursing Staff

Meet The PRIDE Team!

Every member of the PRIDE team is committed to providing the best quality of care to help ensure positive outcomes for all patients. The PRIDE team produces success stories every day. Click here to view some recent success stories.


Dr. Powell
Gregory Powell, MD, MBA

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Gregory Powell, MD, MBA is the Chief Medical Officer at PRIDE.  He is a 1989 graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin.  After an internship with the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, he completed a residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.  Dr. Powell is board certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and carries subspecialty board certifications in Pain Medicine and Sports Medicine.  He has been involved in the care and treatment of injured workers in Texas since 1993 and is a frequent speaker for designated doctor training in Texas.  Dr. Powell also has a graduate certificate in Health Care Leadership and Administration from the University of Texas at Dallas.

Rory Allen, D.O.

Occupational Medicine
Rory Allen, D.O. graduated with a doctorate of osteopathic medicine from University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth/Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed an internship with Dallas Southwest Medical Center here in Dallas before going into private practice for ten years. He specializes in occupational medicine with a special interest in rehabilitation. He has an extensive background, having served as the Medical Director for multiple rehabilitation clinics here in the DFW area. He has vast experience in the Worker’s Compensation system and is a certified Designated Doctor. Dr. Allen is fluent in Spanish. He will be evaluating and treating patients at PRIDE as well as serving as a treating doctor as necessary.

Tom Mayer, M.D.


Tom Mayer, M.D. is Board certified in Orthopedic Surgery and is currently a Clinical Professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Mayer is known in the medical community for his extensive research on chronic musculoskeletal conditions and rehabilitation. He is the former President of the North American Spine Society (1999) and the founding editor of The Spine Journal. He has co-authored many books and scientific articles and is on the Editorial Review Board of multiple journals. His innovations include the concept of Functional Restoration, new techniques in measurement of physical and psychological function (especially for spinal disorders), and the development of techniques for evaluation of permanent impairment. He continues to develop and serve on Review Boards for evidence based treatment guidelines, particularly on coordination of services for sub-acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders.


Albert Vu, D.O.

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Dr. Vu, D.O. is a native of Plano, Texas. He received his medical degree from University of North Texas Health Science Center – Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2011, where he was the youngest in his graduating class. He then completed his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas before completing a Pain Medicine fellowship at University of California, Los Angeles. He has clinical interests in the treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and performing electrodiagnostic studies for the detection of different nerve and muscle conditions. Dr. Vu focuses his attention and practice on helping his patients restore the loss of function that often accompanies various pain conditions. In his free time, Dr. Vu enjoys playing soccer, cycling, and weightlifting.

Nurse Practitioners


Nurse Practitioners are licensed independent practitioners who practice in ambulatory, acute and long term care as primary or specialty care providers. Nurse Practitioners are advanced practice nurses with masters, post-masters or doctoral level education beyond their registered nurse preparation. They provide comprehensive care management to patients.

As licensed independent practitioners, nurse practitioners practice autonomously and in collaboration with other health care professionals to assess, diagnose, treat and manage the patient’s health problems/needs. As partners in health with patients, Nurse Practitioners take on roles of health provider, mentor, educator, clinical researcher, and administrator.

maileMargareta Shea, RN, FNP

Maile Shea received her Masters of Science in Nursing from Georgetown University and graduated Summa Cum Laude. She is Board certified as a family nurse practitioner with prescription authority in Texas. Before coming to PRIDE in 2003, Maile worked in multiple areas of expertise including orthopedics, oncology, pediatric hematology, bone marrow transplant, family practice and urgent care. She is pleased to work in a multi-disciplinary setting at PRIDE and have the opportunity to partner in care with patients in all phases of rehabilitation and pain management. Away from the office, she enjoys yoga, reading and outdoor fitness.

Janice Imming-Rogers, MS, RN, CS

Janice received her RN from Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston Massachusetts. She graduated with honors with a Bachelors and Masters of Science from the University of Colorado. She received her prescriptive authority in 1995 and is Board Certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Janice has seventeen years of experience as a Psychiatric Emergency Clinician with Boston City Hospital, University of Utah Medical Center, Denver General Hospital and the University of Colorado Medical Center. Janice was the Psychiatric Consult Liaison Nurse at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. She also worked as a Nurse Practitioner with Dr. Stuart Black, MD at the Dallas Headache Association for seven years. In addition to her work at PRIDE, Janice currently has a psychotherapy practice with Dr. Byron Law-Yon, M.D.

Occupational Therapy

PRIDE Occupational Therapy Team

PRIDE’s Occupational Therapists (OT) are experts in helping individuals with chronic pain and disabilities to return to functional activities of daily living and to resume a more productive life. PRIDE OTs help individuals overcome physical obstacles by building strength, endurance, and coordination. Our OTs stay current in their field and provide creative, evidence-based, exercise routines to help reach each individual’s goals. Functional simulations of real-life activities are provided, which promote optimal results for those who are limited with home chores, work duties, and/or leisure pursuits. Education is provided on activity modification, energy conservation, and pain management techniques. As experts in Functional Capacity Evaluations, our OT staff has assisted with chapters published in the “Guide to the Evaluation of Functional Ability” and they continue to support research in this area.

Physical Therapy

PRIDE Physical Therapy Team
At PRIDE, our Physical Therapists (PT) are uniquely qualified to help individuals with chronic pain and disabilities. Using our functional restoration philosophy, the PTs guide patients through individualized exercise programs, to enhance mobility, strength, endurance and core stability, while also teaching effective pain management strategies. Physical conditioning is done gradually and safely, based on our evidence-based 75 step program, aimed at addressing “weak links” that are contributing to pain and reduced function. Individual home fitness maintenance programs are provided to ensure continued success after completing the treatment program. Our PTs are experts in their field. They actively pursue continuing education, and participate in ongoing clinical research, to provide the most modern and effective assessment and treatment options.

Exercise Technicians

PRIDE Exercise Technicians
The rehabilitation technicians at PRIDE provide the finest physical education and training to help patients succeed in treatment and lead a healthy life style. The majority of the technicians have 4-year college degrees in health-related fields. Some hold additional certifications in Personal  Training, Professional Fitness, and Fitness Nutrition. All are certified, or are working towards certification, in standardized Biodex strength testing. Under the direction of the Occupation and Physical Therapists, the technicians provide thorough patient education and training in proper strengthening exercise progression, cardio conditioning, nutritional counseling, and abdominal core strengthening. They teach a variety of courses for patients, including postural improvement, stretching, cardio/endurance training, core stabilization with Swiss balls, and fun exercise activities, such as Zumba dance.

Case Management

PRIDE Case Manager Team

The Case Management Department provides assistance with case issues and vocational planning. Case managers are the primary point of contact with patients while in the PRIDE treatment program. They help educate patients about workers’ compensation law, relevant case-related paperwork, how Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and Medical Impairment Ratings are determined, and how to file disputes when necessary. Case managers set up treatment schedules, arrange for transportation and hotel stays as needing, help patients overcome barriers to treatment participation, and assist with future planning, including employment goals. They communicate with doctors, insurance carriers, employers, attorneys, rehabilitation nurses, and vocational rehab counselors, to resolve case issues and maximize successful treatment outcomes.


Behavioral Medicine

PRIDE Case Manager Team

Behavioral Medicine integrates biological, behavioral, psychological, and social sciences within a biopsychosocial treatment model. Mental health professionals, who specialize in chronic pain rehabilitation, are available to provide support, teach effective coping strategies for managing pain and emotional stress, and educate patients about the relationship between their thoughts, mood, behaviors, and pain experience. Specific techniques to help patients cope with chronic pain include supportive counseling, individual and class room education, and skill building in areas such as relaxation, mindfulness, stress management, problem solving, goal setting, sleep strategies, and assertive communication.


Nursing Staff

PRIDE Case Manager Team
PRIDE’s quality nurses are vital in helping patients achieve their goals. Our nursing staff is involved with patients throughout treatment acting as a liaison between patients, doctor and treatment team. Educating patients individually and in groups, nurses help patients to understand their physical pain and how to cope with it, as well as addressing medication concerns. The nursing staff continues to follow patient after completion of the program, answering questions and addressing medication concerns.

PRIDE Privacy Policy

PRIDE respects the privacy of its members and other visitors to this Web site. PRIDE does not collect personal information from users browsing the public areas of this site. Only aggregate data, such as the number of visits per page, are collected. Such data do not provide any personally identifying information.

Information provided to PRIDE through voluntary online membership applications, meeting or seminar registrations, publication orders or subscriptions may include name, affiliations, business phone or e-mail addresses. This information is for internal use only to provide a requested product or service to the user.

PRIDE uses cookies to remember user preferences, deliver faster service and personalize the site to the degree chosen by users. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a Web server to store on a Web browser so it can later be read back from that browser. Cookies cannot be used to get data from your hard drive, get your e-mail address or steal sensitive information. You have the option of setting your browser to reject cookies. However, doing this will alter performance of this site.


We at PRIDE know that you want the best for your patients. Please browse around this site to make sure we are the right choice for you, then contact us to make a referral.

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Download the pdf-iconReferral Form and Fax to 214.351.6453.

Our goal is to help patients improve their functioning and quality of life through a highly individualized, hands-on comprehensive program.

PRIDE Statement of Ethics

Relation to Mission Statement and Core Values: This policy will promote the values outlined in the mission statement by promoting basic human rights, dignity, health and safety for all persons served without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex or disability.

Relation to Business Operations: This policy will promote the ongoing daily business operations by enhancing the adherence to regulatory laws, financial stability, marketing efforts, and research and hiring practices.

PRIDE Department Heads are active ethical committee members.

  • Adopted by the Board of Directors January 2008
  • Reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors: January 2016


Pursuit of the PRIDE mission of patient care, research, and publication requires a shared commitment to the core values of PRIDE as well as a commitment to the ethical conduct of all activities. In that spirit, the Standards of Ethical Conduct are a statement of our belief in ethical, legal and professional behavior in all of our dealings with PRIDE.


The Standards of Ethical Conduct apply to all members of the PRIDE community, including all personnel, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, agents and others associated with PRIDE.

1. Fair Business Dealing

Members of the PRIDE community are expected to conduct themselves ethically, honestly and with integrity in all dealings. This means principles of fairness, good faith and respect consistent with laws, regulations and PRIDE policies govern our conduct with others both inside and outside the community. Each situation needs to be examined in accordance with the Standards of Ethical Conduct. No unlawful practice or a practice at odds with these standards can be justified on the basis of customary practice, expediency, or achieving a “higher” purpose.

2. Individual Responsibility and Accountability

Members of the PRIDE community are expected to exercise responsibility appropriate to their position and delegated authorities. They are responsible to each other, the PRIDE and the PRIDE’s stakeholders both for their actions and their decisions not to act. Each individual is expected to conduct the business of the PRIDE in accordance with the Core Values and the Standards of Ethical Conduct, exercising sound judgment and serving the best interests of the institution and the community.

3. Respect for Others

PRIDE is committed to the principle of treating each community member with respect and dignity. PRIDE prohibits discrimination and harassment and provides equal opportunities for all community members and applicants regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran. PRIDE is committed to creating a safe and drug free workplace. Following is a list of the principal policies and reference materials available in support of this standard:

  • Individual Practitioners’ Code of Conduct
  • Personnel Policy Manual
  • PRIDE Employee Handbook
  • Personnel Policies for Staff Members
  • Policies Applying to PRIDE Activities, Organizations and Students
  • Policy on Sexual Harassment and Procedures for Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment
  • PRIDE policies on nondiscrimination and affirmative action

PRIDE’s is committed to the ethical and compassionate treatment of patients and have established policies and statements of patient rights in support of this principle.

4. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

Health care facilities are subject to many of the same laws and regulations as other enterprises, as well as those particular to health entities. There are also additional requirements unique to health education. Members of the PRIDE community are expected to become familiar with the laws and regulations bearing on their areas of responsibility. Many but not all legal requirements are embodied in PRIDE policies. Failure to comply can have serious adverse consequences both for individuals and for PRIDE, in terms of reputation, finances and the health and safety of the community. PRIDE business is to be conducted in conformance with legal requirements, including contractual commitments undertaken by individuals authorized to bind the company to such commitments.

The laws of Texas govern the interpretation of legal requirements.

5. Compliance with Applicable PRIDE Policies, Procedures and Other Forms of Guidance

PRIDE policies and procedures are designed to inform our everyday responsibilities, to set minimum standards and to give PRIDE community members notice of expectations. Members of the PRIDE community are expected to transact all PRIDE business in conformance with policies and procedures and accordingly have an obligation to become familiar with those that bear on their areas of responsibility. Each member is expected to seek clarification on a policy or other PRIDE directive he or she finds to be unclear, outdated or at odds with PRIDE objectives. It is not acceptable to ignore or disobey policies if one is not in agreement with them, or to avoid compliance by deliberately seeking loopholes.

In some cases, PRIDE employees are also governed by ethical codes or standards of their professions or disciplines – some examples are physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, nurses, rehabilitation counselors and counseling staff. It is expected that those employees will comply with applicable professional standards in addition to laws and regulations.

6. Conflicts of Interest or Commitment

Employee members of the PRIDE community are expected to devote primary professional allegiance to PRIDE and to the mission of patient care, research and public service. Outside employment must not interfere with PRIDE duties. Outside professional activities, personal financial interests, or acceptance of benefits from third parties can create actual or perceived conflicts between the PRIDE’s mission and an individual’s private interests. Gifts, money and/or gratuities are considered benefits and will not be accepted. PRIDE community members who have certain professional or financial interests are expected to disclose them in compliance with applicable conflict of interest/conflict of commitment policies. In all matters, community members are expected to take appropriate steps, including consultation if issues are unclear, to avoid both conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts.

7. Ethical Conduct of Research

All members of the PRIDE community engaged in research are expected to conduct their research with integrity and intellectual honesty at all times and with appropriate regard for human subjects. To protect the rights of human subjects, all research involving human subjects is to be reviewed by research review boards. PRIDE prohibits research misconduct. Members of the PRIDE community engaged in research are not to: fabricate data or results; change or knowingly omit data or results to misrepresent results in the research record; or intentionally misappropriate the ideas, writings, research, or findings of others. All those engaged in research are expected to pursue the advancement of knowledge while meeting the highest standards of honesty, accuracy, and objectivity. They are also expected to demonstrate accountability for sponsors’ funds and to comply with specific terms and conditions of contracts and grants.

8. Records: Confidentiality/Privacy and Access

PRIDE is the custodian of many types of information, including that which is confidential, proprietary and private. Individuals who have access to such information are expected to be familiar and to comply with applicable laws, PRIDE policies, directives and agreements pertaining to access, use, protection and disclosure of such information. Computer security and privacy are also subject to law and PRIDE policy.

Information on the PRIDE’s principles of privacy or on specific privacy laws may be obtained from the respective HIPPA information and PRIDE Administrative and Procedure Manual.
The public right to information access and the individual’s right to privacy are both governed by state and federal law, as well as by PRIDE policies and procedures. The legal provisions and the policies are based upon the principle that access to information concerning the conduct of the people’s business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person, as is the right of individuals to privacy.

9. Internal Controls

Internal controls are the processes employed to help ensure that the PRIDE’s business is carried out in accordance with these Standards, PRIDE policies and procedures, applicable laws and regulations and sound business practices. They help to promote efficient operations, accurate financial reporting, protection of assets and responsible fiscal management. All members of the PRIDE community are responsible for internal controls. Each business unit or department head is specifically responsible for ensuring that internal controls are established, properly documented, and maintained for activities within their jurisdiction. Any individual entrusted with funds is responsible for ensuring that adequate internal controls exist over the use and accountability of such funds.

10. Use of PRIDE Resources

PRIDE resources may only be used for activities on behalf of the PRIDE. They may not be used for private gain or personal purposes except in limited circumstances permitted by existing policy where incidental personal use does not conflict with and is reasonable in relation to PRIDE duties (e.g. telephones). Members of the PRIDE community are expected to treat PRIDE property with care and to adhere to laws, policies and procedures for the acquisition, use, maintenance, record keeping and disposal of PRIDE property. For purposes of applying this policy, PRIDE resources is defined to include but not be limited to the following, whether owned by or under the management of the company. Cash, and other assets whether tangible or intangible; real or personal property;

  • Receivables and other rights or claims against third parties;
  • Intellectual property rights;
  • Effort of PRIDE personnel and of any non-PRIDE entity billing effort;
  • Facilities and the rights to use of PRIDE facilities;
  • PRIDE’s name;
  • PRIDE records, including patient records; and
  • The PRIDE information technology infrastructure.

11. Financial Reporting

All PRIDE accounting and financial records, tax reports, expense reports, time sheets and effort reports, and other documents including those submitted to government agencies must be accurate,
clear and complete. All financial reports will make full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures as required under generally accepted accounting principles.

12. Ethical Standards of Marketing

All PRIDE staff are to use honesty and integrity at all times when discussing PRIDE personnel, products, servicing and pricing. All personnel will maintain the highest professional standards by influencing business decisions based purely on the quality of services provided. Any promotional products used will be of minimal value and will have the approval of the Board of Directors of PRIDE. At no time is any cash rebate acceptable for any service provided. PRIDE is governed by HB34.

13. Reporting Violations and Protection from Retaliation

Members of the PRIDE community are strongly encouraged to report all known or suspected improper activities under the provisions of the Policy on Reporting and Investigating Allegations of Suspected Improper Governmental Activities (Whistleblower Policy). Managers and persons in supervisory roles are required to report allegations presented to them and to report suspected abuses that come to their attention in the ordinary course of performing their supervisory duties. Reporting parties, including managers and supervisors, will be protected from retaliation for making such a report, under the Policy for Protection of Whistleblowers from Retaliation and Guidelines for Reviewing Retaliation Complaints. See the Staff Grievance Procedure outlined in the Employee Handbook.

Rev: January 2016

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PRIDE Research Foundation

PRIDE is a leader in the field of chronic pain rehabilitation. The PRIDE Research Foundation has been collecting and analyzing clinical patient data since PRIDE was founded in 1983. Over 250 peer-reviewed scientific articles, books, and book chapters have now been published. The knowledge gained from this research effort provides much of the backbone of evidence-based medicine (EBM) for measurement of function, use/misuse of certain medications in chronic pain, and socioeconomically relevant outcomes of Functional Restoration treatment. This research is also used for internal training, as it gives PRIDE physicians and staff a unique understanding of the nature of chronic pain and the pain-related obstacles that our patients encounter in their activities of daily living. It also helps PRIDE to continually refine its ability to comprehensibly assess patients as they enter the program, to create the most effective individualized treatment plans, and to quantify and evaluate treatment outcomes. In addition, by repeatedly demonstrating the positive treatment outcomes that a Functional Restoration program can produce, PRIDE’s published research has influenced how chronic pain treatment is approached by many other physicians and pain management facilities.

By following this link to the PRIDE Research Foundation web page, you can see a list of articles, search by topic, read article summaries on some of the key reports and request copies of articles.

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