Functional Restoration Program

Functional Restoration is designed for individuals with chronic pain who are limited from performing many activities of daily living (ADL) or work functions.

PRIDE’s program uses an interdisciplinary treatment approach, in which experts from a variety of clinical disciplines work together as a team. All treatment is overseen and directed by medical doctors. PRIDE’s staff of physicians includes board-certified specialists in orthopedics, physical medicine & rehabilitation, psychiatry, and pain management. PRIDE’s clinical treatment team includes nurses, nurse practitioners, psychologists, counselors, physical and occupational therapists, exercise technicians and case managers.

All clinicians and physicians are on-site and available to every patient.

Through a combination of physical treatments (stretching, strengthening, and real-life physical activities), skills training (in specific stress and pain management techniques) , education (both individually and class-room setting), personal support (including individual counseling, problem solving, and post-treatment planning), PRIDE’s functional restoration program helps patients overcome barriers to wellness, to regain daily functioning, and to resume a happier and more productive lifestyle.

PRIDE’s mission is to empower and assist patients to return to work, improve their quality of life, decrease dependence on medication and health providers, and avoid recurrent injuries by increasing physical capacity to the highest level possible through functional restoration.

Functional Restoration Assessment Process

PRIDE has been the leader in methods of quantifying function for over thirty years.

All patients referred to the PRIDE functional restoration program undergo a thorough physical and psychosocial assessment by the interdisciplinary treatment team. Physical function is measured and quantified by licensed physical and occupational therapists, with tests of range-of-motion, strength and ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) like lifting, bending, reaching, climbing and squatting. Psychosocial functioning is quantified with a mental health assessment, by licensed mental health professionals, with the aid of validated patient-reported questionnaires.

Especially unique to PRIDE is the quantitative physical testing procedures which identify “weak links,” or specific areas of musculoskeletal immobility and weakness. Our state-of-the art Biodex assessment equipment is usually seen only at major sports medicine facilities, geared toward testing and training elite athletes. Biodex machines measure Isokinetic (which means measuring at a constant speed through a joint’s available motion) strength and lifting capacity of affected joints and body regions. This technology provides PRIDE with the safest and fastest way to identify, document, and treat physical impairments that are contributing to pain and functional limitations.

Using the testing results, and clinical input from the entire treatment team, individual goals are aligned with each patient, and an individualized treatment program is developed. Each patient and their treatment team then work together to meet treatment goals and achieve successful outcomes.

Functional Restoration Treatment

Functional Restoration treatment involves a comprehensive mix of physical and educational components, all scientifically proven to help patients overcome chronic pain and disability, with return to a more functional lifestyle. These components include counseling, stress management, daily educational classes and personalized instruction. A unique feature of the program is its physical training process, individualized for each patient based on age, gender and size, using the results of the Biodex isokinetic testing and the other functional assessment tasks.

The testing and computer-assisted training sets realistic individualized training levels that are neither too high nor too low, helping each patient achieve the greatest possible physical progress. Goal achievement and overall outcomes are documented upon completion of treatment.

After Functional Restoration Treatment

Rehabilitation doesn’t stop after the functional restoration program has been completed. Upon graduation, patients are provided with an individualized post-treatment home fitness maintenance program. By adhering to their home programs, patients can continue to make gains in strength, flexibility, function, and pain management skills.

PRIDE patients also have an opportunity to participate in a Long-Term Care Plan (LTCP) with their managing physicians, to ensure continuity of care through quarterly visits, ongoing medication management, and opportunities for consultation with PRIDE clinicians to address pain flare-ups.